Restoring potency with folk remedies at home remains one of the most popular methods of correcting a man's sex life. According to statistics, a quarter of the stronger sex suffer from problems in bed.
However, not everyone wants to start using a variety of impotence treatment drugs right away. Many men prefer non-drug methods of influencing potency, of which there are many.
Proper nutrition and men's health
The restoration of potency at home should begin with the correction of the diet. In modern society, a person often eats quite chaotic and incorrectly. The abundance of fast food and other unhealthy foods seriously affects the health of the whole organism. For this reason, the potency suffers.

A number of recommendations that will help normalize sexual desire and strengthen erections:
- Balance the daily menu for proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is best to consult a nutritionist on this matter.
- Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet. They are the best natural source of vitamins and minerals.
- Eat according to the regimen. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are mandatory. Intermediate snacks - if possible.
- Drink enough water (up to two liters per day).
- Refuse fast food and convenience foods.
- Minimize your intake of fried and fatty foods.
These tips are standard for restoring potency at home and are suitable for almost anyone. The fact is that against the background of a general improvement in health, the reproductive system will also return to normal (provided that there are no serious pathological processes).
Male strength products
In addition to the above tips, men need to know that there are some products that can independently affect the quality of a man's sexual activity. Restoring potency with folk remedies is not always associated with various herbs and plants, some foods can restore potency at home better than any medicine.

Products to use for various forms of impotence in bed include:
- Dried camel stomach (abomasum).One of the most powerful natural aphrodisiacs. With proper preparation and regular use of the product, truly impressive results can be achieved. However, rennet is not always easy to find in pharmacies. It is best to order online (from trusted suppliers). Just eat a small piece before your intended intercourse and a stormy night is guaranteed.
- Oysters.Seafood in general remains an excellent aphrodisiac, but the corresponding type of shellfish has the most pronounced characteristics. Oysters are a source of vitamin E and zinc, which play a very important role in the spermatogenesis process. Regular consumption of such food stimulates the work of the genital organs and qualitatively increases potency. At the same time, it is important to take into account that you should not expect an instant result, and the effectiveness will not be as pronounced as from special preparations.
- Honey and nuts.A sweet surprise can restore lost "male power" to almost anyone. The important thing is to regularly eat walnuts rolled in bee honey. They fill the body with essential nutrients that gently stabilize the reproductive system.
Regular use of aphrodisiacs will increase potency without the use of specialized drugs. However, this is only relevant for mild forms of the corresponding problem. In the formation of organic pathology, more radical measures should be used.
Folk recipes to restore potency
Folk remedies for restoring potency at home for a long time were almost the only element in the correction of male sexual strength before the invention of modern pathogens.

For centuries, people have struggled with impotence in bed with the help of herbs, infusions and decoctions. Some of them were useless, but others are still relevant today.
The following folk recipes have the most pronounced effectiveness:
- Tincture of ginseng and eleutherococcus root.These two plants have been known to mankind for a long time. Chinese emperors also actively used them to increase power. To create a means of increasing potency in men, you need to take 50 g of dried raw materials of each ingredient. Pour all 250ml of vodka or 40% alcohol and leave to infuse for up to two weeks in a cool place. Then take 10-15 drops twice a day before meals. Thus, it is possible to qualitatively increase potency and normalize the general state of health. The course of treatment lasts 1-2 months. After its completion, it is recommended to take a 30-day break.
- Alcoholic tincture of calamus root.The principle of preparation is similar: for 50 g of dried raw materials, it is necessary to take 250 ml of vodka or ethanol. Next: insist 14 days, then take 20 drops orally three times a day before meals. It is necessary to carry out such a power reset for about a month. A second course of therapy is possible no less than 6 weeks after the end of the first (term and conditions are the same).
- Infusion of water from nettle seeds. Just pour 1 tablespoon of the indicated ingredient with a glass of boiling water. Wait 10 minutes, filter and consume before meals. By itself, nettle is not a very powerful stimulant of potency, but at the same time it has a positive effect on a person's general well-being and blood microcirculation. Thanks to this, male strength is also restored. The process is quite long, but at the same time practically harmless (if there is no congenital intolerance to nettles on the part of the body). You can use the product without interruption.
- Infusion of Motherwort.To prepare it, you need to pour 2 teaspoons of aromatic herbs into 400 ml of warm water. Leave to infuse for 8-10 hours. Filter and drink half a glass 3 times a day before meals. The course of therapy is 1 month. In addition, as in the context of the first two options for the preparation of folk remedies, it is necessary to take a short break (1-1. 5), after which (if necessary) it is possible to repeat the process of normalization of sexual function.
Can alternative medicine always help?
Summing up, it should be noted that restoring potency with folk remedies at home is not so difficult (and certainly not too expensive). However, it should immediately be said that such natural methods are only relevant in the initial stages of the progression of erectile dysfunction.
With severe clinical symptoms and the presence of organic changes in a man's body, changing the diet, using aphrodisiacs and taking herbs at home will not be able to qualitatively normalize the patient's condition. In these cases, traditional medicine takes a back seat and remains a purely auxiliary treatment for impotence.